Australia Offers Student Start-Up Loan In 2025: Check Eligibility & Application Process

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Australia Offers Student Start-Up Loan In 2025

Higher education in Australia can be costly, but for eligible students, the Centrelink Student Start-Up Loan provides valuable financial assistance.

With an annual cap of $2,546 and interest-free terms, this government-provided loan is designed to ease the financial burden of textbooks, software, and other educational essentials.

In this guide, you’ll learn about eligibility, the application process, loan details, and tips to make the most of this resource.

Whether you’re a student or a parent helping a child navigate finances, this guide simplifies everything you need to know.

Student Start-Up Loan In 2025

Here’s a quick breakdown of the Centrelink Student Start-Up Loan:

Loan Amount$1,273 per period (two periods yearly; up to $2,546 annually).
EligibilityFull-time students on Youth Allowance, Austudy, or ABSTUDY Living Allowance.
RepaymentAdded to HELP debt; starts when income exceeds $48,361 (2022-23 threshold).
InterestInterest-free but indexed to inflation annually.
ApplicationApply via your Centrelink online account through myGov or when claiming eligible payments.


To qualify for the Centrelink Student Start-Up Loan in 2025, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Eligible Payments: Be receiving Youth Allowance (student category), Austudy, or ABSTUDY Living Allowance.
  • Enrollment: Be enrolled full-time in an approved higher education course (e.g., diplomas or bachelor’s degrees).
  • Residency: Meet Australian residency rules.
  • Tax File Number (TFN): Provide a TFN during the application process.
  • Exclusions: Students receiving a Student Start-Up Scholarship or Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarship for the same period cannot apply.

Loan Details

The loan is split into two disbursement periods each year:

  • 1 January – 30 June: Up to $1,273.
  • 1 July – 31 December: Up to $1,273.

This structure ensures financial support throughout the academic year, with funds deposited directly into the student’s bank account upon approval.


Applying for the Student Start-Up Loan is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Log In to MyGov

  • Access myGov and log in to your Centrelink online account.
  • If your Centrelink account isn’t linked, set it up first.

Step 2: Begin the Application

  • Go to the Payments and Claims section.
  • Select Update Circumstances and click Apply for/Manage Student Start-Up Loan.

Step 3: Enter Details

  • Provide your Tax File Number (TFN).
  • Confirm your full-time enrollment in an eligible course.

Step 4: Submit and Wait

  • Submit your application and wait for Centrelink to process it.
  • Once approved, the loan amount will be deposited into your account.

Alternative Method

If you’re applying for Youth Allowance, Austudy, or ABSTUDY Living Allowance for the first time, you can request the Student Start-Up Loan during your initial claim.

Managing the Loan

To make the most of your loan, here are some tips:

  • Budget Effectively: Allocate funds for essentials like textbooks and course materials.
  • Supplement Income: Explore scholarships or part-time jobs to enhance your financial resources.
  • Track Debt: Keep an eye on your HELP debt to avoid surprises.
  • Borrow Wisely: Take only what you need to minimize your future debt.


Repayment begins once your income exceeds the annual threshold, which is indexed yearly.

  • 2022-23 Threshold: $48,361 annually.
  • How It Works: Loan repayments are automatically deducted from your taxable income as part of your HELP debt.

The interest-free nature of the loan ensures that repayments are manageable and grow only with inflation, not interest rates.

The Centrelink Student Start-Up Loan offers an excellent opportunity for eligible students to focus on education without the stress of immediate financial burdens.

By applying wisely and managing funds effectively, this loan can serve as a bridge to academic and professional success.

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