A drunk driver causes a fatal crash. And the ripple effect begins.

Beyond the obvious impact to the driver and the victim, ripples affect first responders, emergency medical staff, and the people who know and love everyone we just mentioned. Ripples destroy families, terminate friendships, end careers, ruin holidays, and negatively impact hundreds of lives in countless other ways. Assembled here are powerful stories about how the ripples caused by a drunk driver continue to affect people, even years afterward.

The Ditch :30

The Ditch :15 SPA

The Ditch :15

Reaction times :30

I wish :30

I wish :60

I wish :15 – The bride SPA

I wish :60 SPA

I wish :15 SPA

I wish :30 SPA

I wish :15 – The Couple SPA

I wish :30

I wish :15 – The bride

I wish :15 – The graduate

I wish :15 – The couple

Too Confining :15

Too Confining :30

Not Going Far :15 SPA

Not Going Far :15

Not Going Far :30

Not Going Far :30 SPA

The Moment :30

Not Going Far (English)

Not Going Far (Spanish)


Debí haber tomado tus llaves.


I should have taken your keys.


How could you do this?

Ripple Montage




Everyday Hero

Ghosts in the Boneyard

Between Two Souls: Katie and Marsha

Gary and Lee Bourque

Ryan’s Story

Dr. Charles Adams

Achilles’ Heel

Lee Bourque

One Exit Away

Ghosts in the Boneyard

Drive Sober

Dr. Nicole Alexander Scott

Make a Difference

Ghosts in the Boneyard

Take the Keys

Dr. Jason Hack

Consequences: My First Experience

John & Meg DeCubellis

Katie’s Poem

Jonathan DiPietro

Best Friends

Dr. Nicole Alexander Scott

Tell Them

Father Joe Escobar

My Brother

Dr. Nicole Alexander Scott

Save Lives


Your Body is a Number

Dr. Patricia Ogera

Not if But When

John & Meg DeCubellis

In Katie’s Own Words

Dr. Patricia Ogera

Can’t Go Back

Dr. Nicole Alexander Scott

Stop Them

Dr. Patricia Ogera

It Was Preventable

Dr. Jason Hack

You Would Be Shocked

Lee Bourque

More Time

John & Meg DeCubellis

Taken From Us at 13

Dr. Nicole Alexander Scott

Public Health Crisis

Rebecca White

My Mom Was Incredible


All Alone

John & Meg DeCubellis

How Old Will I Live to Be?

Dr. Nicole Alexander Scott

Think of The Families

Actions Bedtime

The Ripple Effect




A Doc’s Perspective


Dr. Patricia Ogera


Single Chord

Rebecca White

What I’d Say to My Mom

Wonder Home

John & Meg DeCubellis

None of it Makes Sense

Wonder Dance

Losing You

Actions with Cathy

Beyond the Crash

The videos below are from our 2016 “Beyond the Crash” campaign. They inspired the powerful stories told by the people impacted by the Ripple Effect.



The Violent Ending




2 Minute Spot


2,000 Pound Weapon


The Death Notification


The Moment


See Us As You


The Forgotten One
